Neighborhood Vitality Beautification Grant
The RFLBA Neighborhood Vitality Beautification Grant is intended to improve the physical appearance and character of the targeted neighborhood by addressing residential disrepair and blight. This program is targeted to owners of residential properties in neighborhoods where the RFLBA is undertaking projects to enhance the physical appearance of their homes, which will in turn bolster property values, leverage additional investment, foster community spirit, and increase pride of place.

Transform This Home
The Rome-Floyd County Land Bank Authority has residential properties for purchase under this program to rehabilitate and occupy. (NOTE: THERE ARE NO HOMES IN INVENTORY AT THIS TIME). Program guidelines require the applicant to establish a rehabilitation plan and have resources to successfully complete rehabilitation to occupancy within 12 months. A property returns not only to the tax roll, but also to productive housing stock, becoming an asset to its neighborhood and community. This program is for those who want to purchase and restore a home for their primary residence, but is also open to investors who wish to transform a residence into a viable rental unit or to resell to an owner-occupied buyer. Preference will be given to primary residence applicants.